Saturday, May 16, 2009

End of Course Pushed Back and Portland, ME

I went in on Thursday morning as scheduled at 1030 for my End of Course Instrument check ride again......I knew the weather forecast for later on in the afternoon was forecasted to be pretty bad, so it would be a tight squeeze to get it in. But, by the time I had gotten out to Norwood it wasn't looking too promising. I met with Radek briefly to discuss what our plan of attack would be to complete my end of course check flight, and got an updated briefing with the weather. Well, low and behold the weather had detriorated much faster than they were forecasting AND it was getting worse by the minute. The wind was already at 20 gusting 30 knots when that wasn't forecasted to occur until the afternoon and the radar was showing thunderstorms rolling into the area. So I made the decision to put it off another week again! This has been pushed off now for over a month. Hopefully next week will be the week.

Friday wasn't looking too good either, but the forecasts were still saying that it was supposed to improve by the afternoon. This was incredibly important to me because this was the flight that I was to take Caroline up for the first time with a little trip up to Portland, Maine. Luckily, it cleared up enough and actually turned out to be a really great afternoon and a great flight for her first flight - virtually no turbulence and really smooth aloft! To her surprise I had coordinated a little get together with her cousin Ryan and fiancee Jamie. They met us there at Northeast Air at Portland Airport. Caroline had no idea and was utterly shocked to see them there! Yes! My plan worked out perfectly! We went and had a little picnic at a park nearby on a river and enjoy the company. We stayed for a little over an hour and then headed back home. Both times we were vectored right over the city of Boston and were able to get some really great shots! I hope to get them up here later on this weekend!

Tuesday night I'm starting the first of my several commercial night flights, and then hopefully up for my instrument end of course check flight on Thursday! Wish me luck!

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