Friday, October 10, 2008

Almost there!

Today was an absolutely gorgeous day out!!! A great day to fly for a bit! We followed our plan exactly. Since all of my skills are pretty solid, today we just spent the flight time in the pattern around the airport. 1.2 hours exactly consisting of 8 take offs and landings. We used this time to spend more time on landings so I could firm that up a bit more before my solo debut tomorrow! Since all went well without too much trouble - and as long as it isn't too windy tomorrow I will be doing my first solo! So the plan tomorrow is to go in and take my pre-solo exam first; Then go out and fly 4 patterns with my instructor with one of them being a go-around. I would then drop my instructor off near the tower, and do my preflight on the plane one more time, and get all set up while my instructor goes up into the tower to watch. I will contact ground, and get the clearance to taxi to the runway and get clearance from the tower to fly the pattern around the airport.........but for now, I am going to be studying for my pre-solo exam tomorrow morning. Wish me luck!!!!

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